

In server-side Node.js projects, the @mtkruto/node package can be used.

$ pnpm install @mtkruto/node

It supports both ECMAScript and CommonJS.


MTKruto is available on

No setup is required, but here’s an import map entry for it in case you use one.

"mtkruto/": "[email protected]/",


  1. If your project is developed using Node.js with a framework like (Next.js, SvelteKit, etc.) or a bundler (Parcel, Vite, etc.), use the @mtkruto/browser package.
$ pnpm install @mtkruto/browser
  1. If your project is developed using Deno with a framework like Fresh or Ultra, it is the same case as above.

  2. You can also import it directly from a CDN into your HTML file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="module">
      import { ... } from "[email protected]";


The recommended way to use MTKruto with Bun is through JSR.

$ bunx jsr add @mtkruto/mtkruto