Interacting with Telegram API

Representation of Telegram API Objects

  • MTKruto represents the functions and the constructors of Telegram API in a bare object with its “_” key set to the name of the constructor according to the API schema.

  • An instance of inputPeerSelf is represented as follows:

  _: "inputPeerSelf";
  • Other keys of the object can be the parameters of the constructor with the same casing as in API scheme files. So, a peerUser instance with its user_id parameter set to 1234 is represented like:
{ _: "peerUser", user_id: 1234n }
  • Parameters of the type long are represented as big ints.
// constructor1#FFFFFF param:bigint
    _: "constructor1",
    param: 1234n,
  • Parameters of the types int and double are represented asnumbers .
// constructor1#FFFFFF param:int duration:double
    _: "constructor1",
    param: 10,
    duration: 1.0,
  • Parameters of the type string are represented as strings.
// constructor1#FFFFFF name:string
    _: "constructor1",
    name: "MTKruto",
  • Parameters of the type bytes are represented as instances of Uint8Array.
// constructor1#FFFFFF data:bytes
    _: "constructor1",
    data: new Uint8Array([77,  84,  75, 114, 117, 116, 111]),
  • Parameters of the type flags.N?true are either omitted from the object or have the value true.
// constructor1#FFFFFF flags:# check:flags.0?true
    _: "constructor1",
    check: true,

// or omit `check`
    _: "constructor1",
  • Parameters that are other constructors are also represented the same way.
// constructor2#EEEEEE
// constructor1#FFFFFF param:constructor2
    _: "constructor1",
    param: {
        "_": "constructor2",
  • Parameters like flags:# are never provided explicitly. They are processed internally.

Type Declarations

Type declaraions for Telegram API constructors are accessible from the Api namespace, which is exported from the root.

  • All types have the same casing as the API schema. So the types and functions are all-lower, and enums are first-upper.
  • When accessing type declarations, the periods in original identifiers must be replaced with an underscore. So, the declaration for updates.updates is at Api.updates_updates, and so on.


To make dealing with these kinds of objects easier, you can use the built-in utilities.

  • Use is() to compare types.
if (is("user", object)) {
  /* ... */
  • Use isOfEnum() to see if a specific object is a member of a specific enum.
if (isOfEnum("Updates", object)) {
  /* ... */

Calling Functions

To call Telegram API functions, use the client’s invoke() method. It takes an instance of a function object, and returns a promise resolving to the result.

const config = await client.invoke({ _: "help.getConfig" });