Get a business connection. Bot-only.
Get information on the currently authorized user.
Hide a username from the current account, a bot account, a supergroup, or a channel’s profile. User-only.
Hide all usernames from a supergroup or a channel’s profile. User-only.
Reorder the usernames of the current account, a bot account, a supergroup, or a channel’s profile. User-only.
Set the current account’s emoji status. User-only.
Set the current account’s online status. User-only.
Set the emoji status of a bot’s user. Bot-only.
Show a username in the current account, a bot account, a supergroup, or a channel’s profile. User-only.
Update the profile of the current user. At least one parameter must be specified. User-only.
Get the bot’s commands in the given scope and/or language. Bot-only.
Get the bot’s description in the given language. Bot-only.
Get the bot’s name in the given language. Bot-only.
Get the bot’s short description in the given language. Bot-only.
Set the bot’s commands in the given scope and/or language. Bot-only.
Set the bot’s description in the given language. Bot-only.
Set the bot’s name in the given language. Bot-only.
Set the bot’s short description in the given language. Bot-only.
Callback Queries
Add a single user to a chat.
Add multiple users at once to a channel or a supergroup.
Approve a join request.
Approve all join requests. User-only.
Archive a single chat. User-only.
Archive multiple chats. User-only.
Ban a member from a chat.
Close a chat previously opened by openChat. User-only.
Create a channel. User-only.
Create a group. User-only.
Create an invite link.
Create a supergroup. User-only.
Decline a join request.
Decline all join requests. User-only.
Delete a chat’s photo.
Delete a chat’s sticker set.
Disable join requests in a chat. User-only.
Enable join requests in a chat. User-only.
Get a chat.
Get the administrators of a chat.
Get information on a user’s chat membership.
Get the members of a chat.
Get chats from a chat list. User-only.
Get common chats between a user and the current one. User-only.
Get the invite links created for a chat. User-only.
Get chat history. User-only.
Get inactive chats. User-only.
Join a chat. User-only.
Kick a member from a chat. Same as a banChatMember call followed by unbanChatMember.
Leave a chat.
Open a chat. User-only.
Set a chat’s available reactions. User-only.
Set the number of boosts required to circument a chat’s default restrictions. User-only.
Set the rights of a chat member.
Set a chat’s photo.
Set a chat’s sticker set.
Set the time to live of the messages of a chat. User-only.
Unarchive a single chat. User-only.
Unarchive multiple chats. User-only.
Unban a member from a chat.
Add a contact. User-only.
Delete a single contact. User-only.
Delete multiple contacts. User-only.
Get contacts. User-only.
Get available gifts.
Get gifts claimed by a specific user. User-only.
Sell a gift.
Send a gift.
Inline Queries
Delete all messages sent by a specific member of a chat. User-only.
Delete a single message.
Delete multiple messages.
Delete a scheduled message.
Delete multiple scheduled messages.
Edit an inline message’s caption. Bot-only.
Edit an inline message’s live location. Bot-only.
Edit an inline message’s media.
Edit an inline message’s reply markup. Bot-only.
Edit an inline message’s text. Bot-only.
Edit a message’s caption.
Edit a message’s live location.
Edit a message’s media.
Edit a message’s reply markup.
Edit a message’s text.
Forward a single message.
Forward multiple messages.
Retrieve a single message.
Retrieve multiple messages.
Pin a message in a chat.
Mark messages as read. User-only.
Search the messages of a chat. User-only.
Send an animation.
Send an audio file.
Send a chat action.
Send a contact.
Send a dice.
Send a document.
Send an invoice. Bot-only.
Send a location.
Send a media group.
Send a text message.
Send a photo.
Send a poll.
Send a scheduled message before its schedule.
Send multiple scheduled messages before their schedule.
Send a sticker.
Send a venue.
Send a video.
Send a video note.
Send a voice message.
Start a bot. User-only.
Stop a poll.
Transcribe a voice message. User-only.
Unpin a pinned message.
Unpin all pinned messages.
Make a reaction to a message.
Undo a reaction made to a message.
Change reactions made to a message.
Add multiple stories to highlights. User-only.
Add a single story to highlights. User-only.
Create a story. User-only.
Delete multiple stories. User-only.
Delete a single story. User-only.
Retrieve multiple stories. User-only.
Retrieve a single story. User-only.
Remove multiple stories from highlights. User-only.
Remove a single story from highlights. User-only.
Get translations. User-only.
Video Chats
Download a live stream chunk. User-only.
Get live stream channels. User-only.
Get a video chat. User-only.
Join a live stream. User-only.
Join a video chat. User-only.
Leave a video chat. User-only.
Schedule a video chat. User-only.
Start a video chat. User-only.
Block a user. User-only.
Get network statistics. This might not always be available.
Unblock a user. User-only.