Is this a drop-in replacement for Bot API?

Not at all. Although some small details might look relevant, everything is fundamentally different from Bot API.

There is no backwards compatibility with the Bot API.

Why not just use Bot API?

Bot API is always a good choice for most projects. Although, one might need MTKruto Server if they would like to:

  • Interact with user accounts, since Bot API does not support this.
  • Interact with the Telegram MTProto API directly through an HTTP interface, since Bot API does not support this.
  • Interact with user accounts from resource-constrained environments (e.g., serverless functions), since it is not possible to do it directly with Telegram clients.
  • Interact with the same user account from different hosts without facing issues, since doing so directly with Telegram clients requires logging in each time, or would otherwise result in errors like AUTH_KEY_DUPLICATED.