Storage Adapters

Just as any Telegram client, MTKruto requires persistent storage to work properly. Storage adapters define an interface to persist data. There are multiple built-in storage adapters, and others can always be implemented by extending and implementing the interface Storage.

This page lists the built-in storage adapters and shows how they can be used.


This storage adapter stores data in the memory. It is ideal for bots.

To use it, just pass null to the client constructor’s storage parameter:

const client = new Client({
  storage: null,
  /* ... */

This storage adapter is supported on all runtimes.


This storage adapter is not recommended for general use. It stores data using sessionStorage.

To use it, import the StorageSessionStorage class, construct it with a valid prefix, and pass it to the client’s constructor:

const client = new Client({
  storage: new StorageSessionStorage("myclient"),
  /* ... */

This storage adapter is only supported inside browsers and on Deno.


This storage adapter persista data into localStorage.

To use it, import the StorageLocalStorage class, construct it with a valid prefix, and pass it to the client’s constructor:

const client = new Client({
  storage: new StorageLocalStorage("myclient"),
  /* ... */

This storage adapter is natively supported inside browsers and on Deno. It uses node-localstorage in Node.js.

Deno KV

This storage adapter persists data inside a Deno KV database.

To use it, import the StorageDenoKV class from the path specified below, construct it (optionally with a path provided), and pass it to the client’s constructor:

import { StorageDenoKV } from "[email protected]/storage/1_storage_deno_kv.ts";

const client = new Client({
  storage: new StorageDenoKV(),
  /* ... */

This module is natively supported on Deno, and unsupported for browsers. To use it on Node.js, you first need to install the following required packages:

$ pnpm install @deno/kv @mtkruto/storage-denokv

Then, import the StorageDenoKV class from @mtkruto/storage-denokv:

const { StorageDenoKV } = require("@mtkruto/storage-denokv");

const client = new Client({
  storage: new StorageDenoKV(),
  /* ... */


This storage adapter uses the browser API IndexedDB to persist data. It also supports file storage by default, meaning that file chunks can automatically be persisted as soon as downloaded.

To use it, import the StorageIndexedDB class, construct it with a database name to use, and pass it to the client’s constructor:

import { StorageIndexedDB } from "@mtkruto/browser";

const client = new Client({
    storage: new StorageIndexedDB("client"),
    /\* ... \*/

This storage adapter is only supported in browsers.