
The rights of a chat member.


canSendMessages?: boolean

Whether messages are allowed to be sent.

canSendAudio?: boolean

Whether audio files are allowed to be sent.

canSendDocuments?: boolean

Whether files are allowed to be sent.

canSendPhotos?: boolean

Whether photos are allowed to be sent.

canSendVideos?: boolean

Whether videos are allowed to be sent.

canSendVideoNotes?: boolean

Whether video notes are allowed to be sent.

canSendVoice?: boolean

Whether voice messages are allowed to be sent.

canSendPolls?: boolean

Whether polls are allowed to be sent.

canSendStickers?: boolean

Whether stickers are allowed to be sent.

canSendAnimations?: boolean

Whether animations are allowed to be sent.

canSendGames?: boolean

Whether games are allowed to be sent.

canSendInlineBotResults?: boolean

Whether inline bot results are allowed to be sent.

canAddWebPagePreviews?: boolean

Whether it is allowed to add web page previews.

canChangeInfo?: boolean

Whether it is allowed to change the chat info. Ignored for supergroups.

canInviteUsers?: boolean

Whether it is allowed to invite users.

canPinMessages?: boolean

Whether it is allowed to pin messages.

canManageTopics?: boolean

Whether it is allowed to manage topics.