

id: number

The identifier of the chat.

type: "private"
color: number

Identifier of a color that can be displayed instead of the chat’s photo.

isBot?: boolean

Whether this is a bot’s chat.

firstName: string

The first name of the user.

lastName?: string

The last name of the user.

username?: string

The user’s main username.

also?: string[]

The user’s additional usernames.

isScam: boolean

Whether the user has been identified as scam.

isFake: boolean

Whether the user has been identified as an impersonator.

isSupport: boolean

Whether the user is official support.

isVerified: boolean

Whether the user has been verified.

isRestricted?: boolean

Whether the user has been restricted.

restrictionReason?: RestrictionReason[]

The reason why the user has been restricted.

photo?: Photo

The chat’s photo.

birthday?: Birthday

The user’s birthday.

address?: string

The written address of the business.

location?: Location

The exact location of the business.

openingHours?: OpeningHours

The opening hours of the business.

hasMainMiniApp?: boolean

Whether the bot has specified a main mini app.