
A message that is received when a chat’s title is changed.


out: boolean

Whether the message is outgoing (sent by the current user).

id: number

The identifier of the message.

threadId?: number

The identifier of the message’s thread.

from?: User

The user who sent the message.

senderChat?: ChatP

The chat which the message was sent on behalf of.

date: Date

The point in time in which the message was sent.

chat: ChatP

The chat where the message was sent to.

link?: string

A link to the message.

forwardFrom?: ForwardHeader

Information on the original message.

isTopicMessage: boolean

Whether the message was sent in a topic thread.

isAutomaticForward?: boolean

Whether the message is an automatic forward.

replyToMessage?: Message

The message that is being replied to. Not always available even if a message is being replied to.

replyToMessageId?: number

The identifier of the message that is being replied to.

reactions?: MessageReaction[]

The reactions of the message.

replyQuote?: ReplyQuote

The part of the message that is being replied to.

viaBot?: User

The inline bot that was used to send this message.

editDate?: Date

The point in time in which the message’s last edit was made.

hasProtectedContent?: boolean

Whether the contents of the message is protected.

mediaGroupId?: string

The identifier of the message’s media group.

authorSignature?: string

The signature of the message.

views?: number

The number of times the message was viewed.

forwards?: number

The number of times the message was forwarded.

replyMarkup?: ReplyMarkup

The message’s reply markup.

businessConnectionId?: string

The identifier of a business conection that the message was sent in.

senderBoostCount?: number

The number of the boosts made by the sender of the message.

viaBusinessBot?: User

The identifier of the business connection in which the message was sent.

effectId?: string

The identifier of the message effect that has been attached to the message.

scheduled?: boolean

Whether the message is scheduled.

newChatTitle: string

The new title of the chat