
A poll.


id: string

The identifier of the poll.

question: string

The poll’s question.

questionEntities: MessageEntity[]

The entities of the poll’s question.

options: PollOption[]

The poll’s options.

totalVoterCount: number

The number of users who have participated in the poll.

isClosed: boolean

Whether the poll is closed.

isAnonymous: boolean

Whether the poll is anonymous.

type: "regular" | "quiz"

The type of the poll.

allowMultipleAnswers?: boolean

Whether the poll allows multiple answers.

correctOptionIndex?: number

Index of the correct option.

explanation?: string

A text that is shown to the user when the poll is answered.

explanationEntities?: MessageEntity[]

The explanation’s entities.

openPeriod?: number

Duration of the poll in seconds.

closeDate?: Date

The time in which the poll will be closed.