Working with Messages

Message Updates

There are three updates that are directly related to messages:

Here are some examples on adding listeners for each of them:

client.on("message", (ctx) => {
  // called when a message is received or sent

client.on("editedMessage", (ctx) => {
  // called when a message is edited

client.on("deletedMessages", (ctx) => {
  // called when one or more messages are deleted

To see how the context object would look like for each update, you can refer to their specific documentation pages linked above.

Filtering Message Types

There is a significant number of different types of messages, which makes processing all of them in a single handler a little harder.

Fortunately, you can easily filter out messages by their types when assigning your handler. Here are some examples:

client.on("message:text", (ctx) => {
  // This handler is called only when text messages are received.
  // So ctx.msg.text is always set.

client.on("editedMessage:photo", (ctx) => {
  // This handler is called only when photo messages are edited.
  // So is always set.

Accessing the Message in Handlers

You can access the received message in through ctx.msg or ctx.message.

client.on("message", (ctx) => {
  // Both ctx.msg and ctx.message are referring to the received message.

Edited messages are accessed through ctx.msg and ctx.editedMessage.

client.on("editedMessage", (ctx) => {
  // Both ctx.msg and ctx.editedMessage are referring to the edited message.

ctx.msg is just a shortcut that resolves to ctx.message ?? ctx.editedMessage. See Message.

Updates for deleted messages don’t include full message objects, only references to them (see MessageReference).

client.on("deletedMessages", (ctx) => {
  // ctx.deletedMessages is an array of MessageReference.


  • UpdateDeletedMessages is not always sent to bots, so it is recommended that you don’t depend on it for bots.
  • Updates for outgoing messages are not sent for bots by default, but you can disable the ignoreOutgoing option to receive them:
const client = new Client({
  ignoreOutgoing: false,
  /* ... */

Sending Messages

There are multiple methods that can be used to send messages. Each of them is used for sending a specific type of message.

Here are some example calls:

const chat = /* ... */; // ID
const file = /* ... */; // FileSource

await client.sendMessage(
  { disableNotification: true, /* other optional options */ }

await client.sendPhoto(chat, file, { caption: "Optional Caption", /* other optional options */ });

await client.sendDocument(chat, file, { caption: "Optional Caption", /* ooo */ });

await client.sendVideo(chat, file, { caption: "Optional Caption", /* ooo */ });

await client.sendAnimation(chat, file, { caption: "Optional Caption", /* ooo */ });

await client.sendAnimation(chat, file, { caption: "Optional Caption", /* ooo */ });

await client.sendAudio(chat, file, { caption: "Optional Caption", /* ooo */ });

await client.sendVoice(chat, file, { caption: "Optional Caption", /* ooo */ });

await client.sendDice(chat); // defaults to 🎲
await client.sendDice(chat, { emoji: "🏀" }); // but you can send any valid dice

To use the above example calls, chat must be replaced with a valid ID, and file must be replaced a valid FileSource.

As previously said, the last parameters are optional and can always be omitted, so for example you can do just await client.sendMessage(chat, "Hey!"); if you don’t specify any optional parameter. Optional parameters are those parameters marked with ? in the method documentations.

Inside handlers, you can call the respective reply* shortcuts to easily reply the context message:

client.on("message", async (ctx) => {
  await ctx.reply(text); // same as client.sendMessage(, text, { replyToMessageId: });
  await ctx.replyPhoto(file); // same as client.sendPhoto(, file, { replyToMessageId: });

Deleting Messages

You can delete messages by calling either deleteMessage or deleteMessages.

await ctx.deleteMessage(chat, messageId);
await ctx.deleteMessages(chat, [...messageIds]);

You can delete the context message with delete:

client.on("message", async (ctx) => {
  await ctx.delete(); // This deletes the received message.

Forwarding Messages

You can forward messages by calling either forwardMessage or forwardMessages.

await ctx.forwardMessage(fromChat, toChat);
await ctx.forwardMessages(fromChat, toChat);

You can forward the context message with forward:

client.on("message", async (ctx) => {
  await ctx.forward(toChat); // This forwards the received message.